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What a DWI Lawyer does

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An experienced DWI Attorney will review your case to check if you have any defenses. There are many defenses to a New Hampshire DUI charge.  DUI Attorney will consider the following while developing a defense plan:

·    Whether this is your first offence?

·    Whether you have been involved in an accident when you were charged with DUI?

·    Your blood alcohol concentration

·    The time of the blood test

·    The time of the DUI stop

·    The sequence of events from the time you were stopped till you contacted Ventura DUI Attorney.

Generally the breath analyzer test and the blood test results will be strong evidence of DUI. However experienced DUI Attorneys can successfully challenge these results. Many factors can influence the accuracy of the results of these tests. Unless the prosecution can prove the accuracy of these tests beyond reasonable doubt, the charges against you will be dropped.

An experienced DUI Attorney knows that if the blood is not collected and stored properly for the testing, it can ferment. Fermenting can result in the blood producing its own alcohol. When the blood is then tested for alcohol, it will show a high blood alcohol concentration. An experienced DUI Attorney will use scientific techniques to show that high blood alcohol concentration is due to the blood producing its own alcohol and not due to the alcohol consumed by you. This can be the difference between acquittal and conviction.

Experienced DUI Attorneys will oppose the administration of the field sobriety tests and the blood tests and also question the accuracy of the results of such tests. They have the skill and experience required to oppose these tests. They are aware of that the field sobriety tests are so designed that most people are likely to fail these tests giving the police officer probable cause to arrest them for DUI. An experienced DUI Attorney will highlight the factors that can cause a normal person to fail a field sobriety test.

The breath analyzer test results are not always accurate beyond reasonable doubt. An experienced DUI Attorney has the skills and expertise required to challenge the accuracy of the breath analyzer test results. The Attorney will challenge and successfully invalidate the results of the breath analyzer test. DUI suspects should never to attempt to defend themselves in the court unless they are qualified and skilled. DUI Attorneys are qualified and skilled to defend DUI suspects.

Mere DUI charge does not make you guilty under New Hampshire laws. The police must prove the charge in a court of law. A DUI Attorney can fight the DUI charge against you in the court. An experienced  DUI Attorney will defend you and ensure that the charges against you are dropped. New Hampshire DUI Attorneys know the local laws and regulations. There are certain procedures you have to go through if you have been charged with a DUI. If the police do not follow these procedures, you can use it to fight the DUI charge. An experienced DUI Attorney knows how to challenge the charges against you and to protect your rights and will ensure that you get a fair trail as guaranteed by the United States constitution. 




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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024