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Arrested for DUI?

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If you have been arrested for DUI in New Hampshire, contact an experienced DUI Attorney who is well versed in all the laws relating to DUI cases and knows how to present the facts to the court to get the charges against you dropped.

If you are pulled over on the suspicion of drunk driving, the police officer will generally administer you a breath analyzer test. If you have been consuming alcohol at a party or club, chances are it will impair your driving abilities. Do not drink and drive. If you drink and drive you are endangering your life as well as the lives of others on the road. If your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08% or more, you will be charged with DUI. The police will inform you that they have sufficient evidence against you in the form of the breath analyzer results. An experienced DUI attorney can challenge the results of the breath analyzer test. While you can refuse a field sobriety test, you cannot refuse the breath analyzer test.

Your DUI Attorney will review the maintenance record of the breath analyzer. General wear and tear will take its toll on any machinery. The police department must maintain the breath analyzer according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. If the maintenance is not according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, it will affect the results. The breath analyzer must be property calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The operating instructions must be strictly followed. Any deviation from the manufacturer’s standard operating procedure will show a wring result.

Human body produces alcohol on a daily basis. Every human has alcohol in the body. Some persons might produce sufficient alcohol to increase their blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit without actually consuming any alcohol. But unless you prove this in the court, the court will convict you. Exercising your right to remain silent is not a wise thing to do. Contact an experienced New Hampshire attorney.

The police must prove their case. An experienced New Hampshire DUI Attorney knows how to take apart the prosecution’s case and to find loopholes. Your DUI lawyer will highlight the lapses in the procedure followed by the police while stopping you, while administering the filed sobriety tests and breath analyzer tests, while arresting you and while administering the blood test. Your DUI lawyer will use the lapses on the part of the police to get the charges against you being dropped.

Do not attempt to challenge the DUI charge against you. Leave it to the expert – an experienced DUI Attorney. New Hampshire DUI law is complex and the defense procedure involves many technicalities which you may not be aware of. You will not know how to interpret the laws and use the loop holes as a lifeline. Remember DUI is a serious offense. Even if it is your first offense, it can result in suspension of your driver’s license. You can also be made to pay a heavy fine. You can also be sent to jail. Your very liberty is at stake. Contact an experienced DUI attorney.





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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024