Daniel Hynes

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"More than 1,200 Harris County DWI convictions will be set aside and the cases revisited, prosecutors said Friday after the sentencing of Deetrice Wallace, a Department of Public Safety contractor who faked inspections of alcohol breath testing devices."

"About 1,000 defendants convicted of driving while intoxicated can petition for a retrial without evidence submitted by Wallace, the prosecutor said. Some defendants had more than one case affected."

"Buess prosecuted Wallace for three counts of tampering with a governmental record, a state jail felony. State District Judge Jeannine Barr sentenced her to a year behind bars."

"In court documents, Wallace told investigators that she had falsified inspection records for both the South Houston and Clute police department Intoxilyzers."

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  • Concerned about the truth
    Concerned about the truth says #
    Response by DWI GUY - Sorry, no anonymous comments; c-66-31-95-108.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/ Thanks for your concern. I