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What to expect from a DWI Lawyer

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Learn What to Expect From Your New Hampshire DWI Lawyer

If you are facing serious criminal charges that could result in jail time, it is imperative for you to have the best New Hampshire criminal defense attorney fighting on your behalf.

If you are facing the possibility of spending time in prison or other considerable criminal penalties, you need qualified and experienced legal representation. The New Hampshire legal system is designed in such a manner that, unless you possess legal experience and a high IQ, then representing yourself in criminal matters is nigh unto impossible. No two criminal cases are exactly alike. A criminal defense attorney is specifically trained to identify and analyze the specific facts of a case that make it unique. Moreover, an experienced defense lawyer can isolate certain factors and arguments that could negate or even mitigate any potential crime. At the end of the day, hiring a defense attorney to represent you in a criminal trial is a necessity.

The hats that an NH criminal defense lawyer wears are many. In addition to cross examining any witnesses the prosecution might present and producing witnesses for their client’s own defense, your lawyer will also:

§  Work closely with the prosecution and you to negotiate a plea bargain. This type of deal is designed to eliminate some, or all of the, charges brought against a defendant and to reduce the potential sentence you are facing. Prosecutors rarely opt to negotiate a plea bargain with a defendant directly, which is another reason why it is imperative to have legal representation.


§  Determine an appropriate sentencing program for your particular case. In the event that a client is deemed guilty by a judge or jury, a criminal defense lawyer may be able to create a sentencing program that prevents their client from ending back up in the NH criminal justice system. For example, instead of a client being sentenced to 12 months in prison, their lawyer may be able to negotiate a deal that sentences them to 6 months in prison with the remaining 6 months being spent in a drug treatment facility. This would enable a client to spend time working on the drug problem that led to their initial arrest.


§  Assist you with the thought processes and emotions that frequently accompany criminal trials. A defendant who is being prosecuted in a court of law will often feel depressed, embarrassed, suffer from low self-esteem, and be fearful.


§  Offer a reality check. Experienced NH defense attorneys have a more thorough knowledge of what will occur much better than their client will during criminal proceedings. Defense lawyers possess the distinct advantage of being able to remind objective throughout legal proceedings and can offer their client insight into how the trial is proceeding and what will most likely occur in the immediate future. Such “reality checks” and assessments are critical when a defendant is weighing whether or not to accept a prosecutor’s plea bargain.


§  Identify legal regulations and rules that a defendant would most likely not discover on their own. Many laws and rules regarding criminal prosecutions are buried underneath even more laws and rules, and even court opinions. For example, a defendant who attempted to represent themselves in a court of law might never know that the search law enforcement officials conducted of their home was illegal because they did not understand the numerous intricacies and nuances that surround the 4th Amendment.


§  Navigate your specific case through the NH legal system in which your case is being heard. In addition to the rules they have actually written down, many local jurisdictions have their own set of unwritten rules. For example, only certain district attorneys may have been approved to approve and accept proposed plea bargains. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can save a considerable amount of time by talking to the right person the first time around.


§  Explain the hidden costs that often accompany pleading guilty to a criminal charge. Many defendants who opt to represent themselves do not consider the collateral consequences of pleading guilty to a criminal charge. They tend to think only in terms of how long their jail or prison sentence will be; however, for example, having a conviction for fraud or theft could make it considerably more difficult for you to find gainful employment after your sentence is over.


§  Locate and hire private investigators that can not only investigate the alleged crime but also investigate the witnesses that the prosecution plans to bring in front of a jury. If a private investigator can find evidence that would discredit a particular witness’s testimony, it can tremendously assist your case.


§  Locate and hire expert witnesses that can present evidence on your behalf to rebut the prosecution’s evidence or to prove your innocence. This can make the prosecution’s case much less credible.


Books Are Not Going to Offer Much Assistance

It is a common misconception among defendants who choose to represent themselves in a court of law that reading novels or books that spell out a crime, punishment, or criminal defense will lead them to victory in their particular case. There is a marked difference between actually practicing law in a courtroom and simply reading about it. As any experienced attorney knows, understanding the subtleties, currents, and how a criminal trial ebbs and flows can determine whether a case is won or lost.

A prime example of how a criminal trial can ebb and flow is prosecutorial discretion. The simple act of determining what charges a defendant will face will create a significant impact on how the case is handled. For example, on paper, a crime may appear simple, but it could actually turn out to be a multi-count indictment. Which prosecutor has been appointed to make this determination can also have a considerable impact upon your case. NH criminal defense attorneys possess the skills required to negotiate with a prosecutor to determine which counts should be charged.

Given the importance of legal representation in criminal proceedings, don’t gamble with your chances and your personal freedom by hiring less than the best New Hampshire criminal defense lawyer. Contact our law firm today to set up a free consultation regarding your case.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024