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What is at stake with a DWI arrest

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What’s Really At Stake In a DWI Arrest

The consequences of a DWI arrest and conviction begin within the courtroom and extend across the rest of your life. Take a look at what is really at stake when you must confront NH DWI charges:

Your Freedom

In the worst case scenario, you could spend up to seven years in jail as a result of a DWI conviction.

In addition to jail time, one of the most restrictive consequences of a DWI conviction is the suspension of your driver’s license. Pause for a minute and think about just how much you rely on your vehicle – to run daily household errands, to travel to and from work, to visit family and friends, and so forth. In the state of New Hampshire, your driver’s license could be revoked for between a minimum nine months and five years, potentially longer. At a bare minimum, you’re facing 270 days without the legal ability to operate a motor vehicle. Need to make a last minute trip to get groceries? That’s out of the question.

Until you are barred from using it, you do not realize how much you rely on your automobile on a daily basis. We’ve all heard it before: Time is money. However, in and of itself, time is valuable. Your already limited free time can be even further restricted by a DWI conviction.

Your Personal Relationships

If you haven’t already told your loved ones and friends about your DWI arrest, you are more than likely dreading it.

Negative attitudes and perceptions of driving while intoxicated can ruin or alter your professional and personal relationships once the charges you face have been made public. If your close friends and family members are similar to most other Americans, then they more than likely support harsh punishments for DWI offenders. A DWI conviction can harm or destroy your relationships with the people who matter most.

Your Finances

A DWI is expensive. In addition to legal fees, a conviction can also result in costly fees. For example, you might be required to pay nearly $1,000.00 in court fees alone. Combined with the cost of locating alternative transportation, alcohol treatment programs, and time spent away from work, your bill can easily climb into the tens of thousands of dollars. The expenses will continue to mount, as your finances begin to run dry. Unless you act immediately, you could quickly find yourself in a financial bind.

Your Professional Career

Your criminal record will haunt you forever. Even if your DWI conviction is expunged, the arrest and conviction information can still be made available to certain people. In today’s economy, it is difficult enough trying to locate employment, and if you must check “yes” when you are asked if you have been convicted of a crime, then your chances of finding gainful employment have become that much more difficult. Lying on an application is not going to help. Prospective employers will run background checks.

Make the Smart Choice

Our New Hampshire DWI lawyers have assisted countless clients who have been arrested and charged under NH’s DWI laws. Contact us today to set up a free consultation regarding your case. Our DWI attorneys will assist you in understanding how the law impacts your case and in exploring different avenues to ensure a positive outcome.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024