Daniel Hynes

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My dwi book recently helped another N.H. Criminal Defense Lawyer obtain a Not Guilty Verdict.

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While I appreciate feedback or praise from prosecutors, both win and lose, I also appreciate when other defense lawyers tell me that my DWI book helped them in a case. This week, another defense lawyer asked me about getting a copy of my book "Drunk driving & drugged driving defense - New Hampshire Defense Lawyer Edition" after she was loaned a copy by the public defender's officer. The defense lawyer went on to say she obtained a not guilty verdict in a DWI drug case where the officer was a DRE (drug recognition expert). DWI drug cases can be amongst the most difficult dwi cases. The attorney appreciated the chapter in my book with sample cross examination questions.

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    Not a felon Monday, 23 April 2012

    What a joke.

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    Not a felon Monday, 23 April 2012

    What a farce.

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    DWI GUY Monday, 23 April 2012

    Thanks for your opinion, even though I think it is wrong. More than 60 criminal defense lawyers in New Hampshire use my book. Of course it helps other lawyers prepare and defend their cases. Being charged with DWI does not automatically equal a guilty verdict. If you hire a lawyer who really understands DWI you can greatly increase your chance for a more favorable outcome.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024