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Canadian Man found guilty of 24th dwi

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"n what's believed to be a Canadian record, a 67-year-old Quebec man was convicted Tuesday of his 24th drunk-driving offence.

Yvon Gingras of St-Ubalde, Que., was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to impaired driving, breach of conditions and refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test.

Gingras bought a car despite a driving ban. Outraged neighbours, aware of his prior convictions, formed a committee to track his movements.

One neighbour spotted Gingras behind the wheel last June 20 and called police. The unlicensed driver refused to submit to a breathalyzer test. Officers searched his car and found eight large bottles of beer as well as a full bottle of vodka.

"The defendant clearly poses a risk to public safety and he has no respect for the law and court orders," Judge Alain Morand told a sentencing hearing.

Gingras, initially barred from driving until 2021, has now been slapped with a lifetime driving ban.

He was also ordered to provide a DNA sample and his new car was confiscated.

Crown attorney Christine Gosselin congratulated St-Ubalde citizens for their vigilance.

"Under the circumstances, it is an initiative that should be welcomed," Gosselin said. "People must get involved."

Gingras has a lengthy and diverse criminal record dating back to 1965. He has been convicted of 24 counts of driving while intoxicated, seven for violating a driving ban and five counts of refusing a breathalyzer test."

This could never happen in a State like New Hampshire with incredibly severe subsequent offense charges. If you are found guilty of a second offense, it has a mandatory jail time and at least 3 years license loss. Operating after suspension is mandatory jail time and an additional 1 year license loss. Habitual offender (2 dwis & just 1 operating after) carries a license loss of 1-4 years. Driving while a habitual offender is a felony with mandatory prison of at least 1 year (Except you may be eligible for a bracelet program once in a lifetime). Finally, 3rd offense and up is lifetime loss of license with a possibility for reinstatement.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024