Daniel Hynes

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Now that summer is upon us, police will be out in force doing sobriety checkpoints & roadblocks.

New Hampshire DWI Defenses: Sobriety Checkpoints and Drunk Driving Roadblocks

When a sobriety checkpoint is conducted, police officers establish temporary roadblocks to halt all motorists, or a percentage of these motorists, to search for drivers whose ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by drugs, alcohol, or “any substance whether available without a prescription or controlled.” If you or someone you know has been arrested for driving while intoxicated arising from a sobriety checkpoint, then you more than likely have a number of questions to ask.

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Know the Different Levels of Alcohol Intoxication

Each year, thousands of New Hampshire citizens choose to consume alcohol and then get behind the wheel of their vehicles. The unfortunate reality is that only a tiny percentage of intoxicated motorists are actually caught by law enforcement officials.

Although it is fairly common knowledge that the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle in our state is .08%, many motorists are unaware of what this limit indicates and what the physical symptoms and signs of impairment are.

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Odor of Alcohol Laws In New Hampshire – How to Defend Your DWI Charge

Police Report: “I approached the automobile on the driver’s side and immediately smelled a strong odor of alcohol emanating from the driver.”

There are certain things in life that are guaranteed. The sun will always rise in the morning. Taxes must be paid every year. Everyone will die at some point, and almost every single DWI report in New Hampshire is going to contain a damning statement from the arresting officer that they “detected the odor of alcohol” either coming from the interior of the automobile or directly from the motorist themselves. It is guaranteed that taxes, death, and your NH DWI report repeatedly resounding the phrase “odor of alcohol” are a certainty.

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Can Hiring a New Hampshire DWI Attorney Save You Money?

For most New Hampshire motorists, their primary concern when hiring a DWI attorney is whether or not the reduction in monetary fines (and other associated penalties) is worth the lawyer’s fees. A portion of this decision is personal. If you wish to have an experienced hand guide you through the process or are fearful of appearing in a New Hampshire courtroom, then the legal expertise a lawyer provides is invaluable. To borrow a catchphrase from the retail industry, the quality of your legal representation will often be remembered long after the initial price has been forgotten.

Know the Monetary Fines Associated With a DWI Conviction

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What Is New Hampshire’s IDCMP?

IDCMP stands for Impaired Driver Care Management Program. Due to recent changes in New Hampshire’s drunk driving statutes, a person who is convicted of driving while intoxicated is now required to participate and attend a state approved IDCMP program. First, the participant will be screened and evaluated to determine if an alcohol abuse disorder exists. He or she will then be required to participate in treatment programs and recovery support services. Furthermore, the defendant must participate in a minimum of 20 hours of alcohol education and awareness classes; however, the number could be depending upon the recommendations of the IDCM program director.

First Offense Requirements

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